An Autistic College Student’s Story

An Autistic College Student’s Story

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Holt Mills is a graduating senior at the Minnesota Independence College & Community. Holt will tell us about his chosen major, and what being educated at a college and community that accepts him as an Autistic has prepared him for the career and challenges of his life going forward. Holt will also share with us what graduation in May means for him.

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Holt Mills is a graduating senior at the Minnesota Independence College & Community. Holt will tell us about his chosen major, and what being educated at a college and community that accepts him as an Autistic has prepared him for the career and challenges of his life going forward. Holt will also share with us what graduation in May means for him.

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An Autistic College Student's Story

ableism,actuallyautistic,autism acceptance,autismsupports,autistic adults exist,disability,intersectional,neuro-affirming,