Self-Care: Surviving Disheartening Rhetoric

Self-Care: Surviving Disheartening Rhetoric

Transcripts for this episode can be found at Additional transcripts for this episode using a font that is accessible for dyslexics and in other languages such as Spanish, German, French, and Simple Chinese are available.

Dr. Devon Price joins Philip for an in-depth conversation about the disheartening rhetoric Autistics and our Intersectional Communities are hearing during this election year. Dr. Price talks about how the disheartening rhetoric harms us and what we can do to look after ourselves in these very difficult times. Dr. Price talks about how the disheartening rhetoric in the news media, on social media keeps our eyes and minds fixated to the point of mental exhaustion and our emotions overwhelming. Join us for this show which will help you develop strategies that help you survive and thrive.

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Transcripts for this episode can be found at Additional transcripts for this episode using a font that is accessible for dyslexics and in other languages such as Spanish, German, French, and Simple Chinese are available.

Dr. Devon Price joins Philip for an in-depth conversation about the disheartening rhetoric Autistics and our Intersectional Communities are hearing during this election year. Dr. Price talks about how the disheartening rhetoric harms us and what we can do to look after ourselves in these very difficult times. Dr. Price talks about how the disheartening rhetoric in the news media, on social media keeps our eyes and minds fixated to the point of mental exhaustion and our emotions overwhelming. Join us for this show which will help you develop strategies that help you survive and thrive.

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A Written Document with a Font that is Accessible for Dyslexics is available. Tap or click on the English Title Below

Self-Care: Surviving Disheartening Rhetoric

Transcripts are Available for this Episode in Spanish, German, French and Simple Chinese.

raducción al español de autocuidado: sobrevivir a la retórica desalentadora

Deutsches Übersetzungsdokument zur Selbstfürsorge: Entmutigende Rhetorik überleben

Transcription en français pour prendre soin de soi : survivre à une rhétorique décourageante

简单中文抄本 自我关怀:在令人沮丧的言辞中生存

ableism,actuallyautistic,adhd,autism acceptance,autismsupports,autistic adults,autistic adults exist,autisticadultsrock,disability,discrimination,gender affirming,intersectional,lgbtqia+,neurodivergent,neuro-affirming,neurodiversity movement,neurodiversity paradigm,neuroqueer,nonbinary,queer,queer theory,self care,self-determination,thwarted belonging,unmasking,