Podcast Format
Below is the format.
The format is a list.
The format list is the order of each episode.
Each episode is in the same order.
An Episode Preview begins the show.
An Episode Preview introduces the topic.
The topic of each episode is what the host and guest(s) will discuss.
The Episode Preview allows you to hear the topic and follow.
The topic in the Episode Preview helps you decide to listen or not listen.
The Show Introduction with Background Music.
As the host introduces the podcast, music will play in the background.
The background music is only used in the introduction.
In the introduction the title of the show is mentioned.
In the introduction the owner, producer and host identifies themselves.
In the introduction the host announces the focus of the podcast.
The host announces the sponsor for the first segment.
After the sponsor has been announced the background music will stop.
Segment 1
A segment is one part of the show that will continue until the first commercial break.
During the first segment, the host will share information about this website.
Included in the website information will be the transcripts.
There is a transcript that can be read with each episode page by scrolling down.
There is one transcript available with the title of each show and a link included.
The link will take you to a document form so you can print it.
The document form has a font that is accessible for dyslexics.
The next four links of the transcript will be in different languages.
One transcript uses the Spanish Language.
One transcript uses the French Language.
One transcript uses the German Language.
One transcript uses the Chinese Simplified Language.
The sponsor of the transcript will be announced.
An invitation will be given to financially contribute to the work of
Today's Autistic Moment.
Financial contributions help Today's Autistic Moment operate.
You can donate one time through Ko-fi.
You can become a monthly donor through Patreon.
You can also make a purchase of a lapel pin or a 16oz drinking cup
at the logo shop menu option.
The next part of this segment announces all the social media networks where you can find episodes shared, updates and converse with others listeners.
You can follow Today's Autistic Moment on Facebook, X (formerly known as Twitter), LinkedIN, Instagram and Blue Sky.
If any other announcements about other upcoming events or what is happening with the podcast, you will hear them during the show now.
The first commercial break will be announced, followed by music to mark the end of one segment.
During the first commercial break, the host will announce what podcast apps you can listen to the show on.
During the first commercial break, you will hear ads from one or two sponsors.
Segment 2
Segment Beginning Music will play.
Segment music is used to signal the end of the commercial break and the beginning of the next segment.
The segment begins with me welcoming the guest, and introducing the topic.
The guest and I will discuss the topic until the announcement of what you can expect to hear in the next segment following the next commercial break.
Segment Ending Music will mark the conclusion of the segment.
You will hear two to three sponsorship ads during this commercial break.
Segment 3
Segment 3 begins with an announcement from the host about the importance of supporting Today's Autistic Moment.
Segment 3 continues with the conversation between the host and guest.
At the conclusion of segment 3, the host will announce what you can expect to hear in segment 4.
Podcast Segment Ending Music.
During the final commercial break, you will hear one or two adds by sponsors.
Before segment 4, the host will announce the titles, guests and descriptions of shows coming up. Background music will play during while future shows are announced.
Segment 4
During Segment 4 the host and guest will conclude the interview. The host will thank the guest for their time and valuable information.
The last part of Segment 4 is Today's Autistic Community Bulletin Board.
Today's Autistic Community Bulletin Board is when the host announces educational, social and recreational opportunities for Autistics, and professionals that work with Autistic people. Information will be given about who is offering the event with website information.
At the end of the show, final announcements will be given about supporting the podcast, an invitation to sponsor ads, or email the host if people have questions.
The host will thank everyone for listening to Today's Autistic Moment.
The host will wish everyone an Autistically Amazing Day.
The episode concludes with background music, with the host announcing credits for the software used, and music.
Here the episode ends.