seasonal depression

Managing Holiday Stress

Managing Holiday Stress

Go to for the transcript For many Autistic Adults the holidays are a time of sensory distress, seasonal depression, with social demands and all the music and holiday advertising that can stress us out. Becca Lory Hector who was my guest for the Summer of Self-Care Series will give us some of her ideas about managing holiday stress to help us all enjoy them as much as we can. --- Supp...

Self-Care During Seasonal Depression

Self-Care During Seasonal Depression

Please go to the Episode Index Page on for the program script and the interview transcripts. Why should we talk about seasonal depression at the beginning of the summer and the 4th of July? Because the 4th of July can be one of the worst days for Autistics. A lot of Autistics are the opposite of the general population in that our seasonal depression is worse during the summer and bette...