aac devices

Autistics Using AI

Autistics Using AI

Go to todaysautisticmoment.com for the transcripts. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now integrated into web browsers, social media, mobile devices, with companies like Microsoft, Adobe, and Meta creating their own applications. For Autistic Adults, AI offers benefits such as enhanced communication tools, personalized learning experiences, and assistive technologies that can improve independence. However, t...

Autistics Living with Unsupportive People

Autistics Living with Unsupportive People

Go to todaysautisticmoment.com for the transcripts. In this episode of Today’s Autistic Moment, Nicole LeBlanc will join Philip in the first segment to talk about the challenges of finding adequate and affordable housing as reasons why many Autistics live with unsupportive people. Becca Lory Hector will Philip in segment 3 and 4 to provide you with helpful tips about how to handle difficult people by setting...

Autistics Communicating

Autistics Communicating

Go to todaysautisticmoment.com for the transcript Autistics are stereotyped as not knowing how to communicate appropriately. As each Autistic is unique from another, each of us communicates differently. Some of us communicate verbally. Some of us communicate nonverbally. Some of us are non-speaking, but we still communicate. While Grace Ogden-Parker and I will not be speaking for every Autistic, we will ...